Pax et Bonum Lourdesian Masters, Parents, and Formators!
In support of the Mental Health Campaign of the Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA), Lourdes School of Mandaluyong is encouraging everyone to wear blue (any shade) on October 8, 2021 (Friday). You may take a selfie or group selfie (still with proper physical distancing) and post your pictures on your social media accounts with the caption: “Lourdes School of Mandaluyong supports the #LightUpBlueforMentalHealth of #PMHA. As one community, let’s make #MentalHealthCare4All a reality!”. You may also mention in the caption how you and your loved ones take care of each other’s mental health. During the evening (7:00-8:00 PM) of that same day, we will also be lighting up our school facade blue.
Participating schools and individuals will have a chance to be featured on PMHA’s official page during the World Mental Health Day’s celebration on October 10.
As one community, let us spread good vibes and promote well-being on our newsfeeds. Thank you, stay safe, and God bless!