We support building a strong, relevant, and effective home-school collaboration with parents towards the holistic growth and development of Lourdesian Masters. Thus, the LSM Guidance Center, in partnership with Lingap Diwa, will be facilitating an event for parents entitled, “The HeArt of Parenting: A Workshop Towards a Better Normal” on August 28, 2021 (Saturday) from 1:30-4:00 PM with Dr. Joan Mae Perez-Rifareal, MD, DPBP, FPPA, one of the well-known psychiatrists in the country. This event is not a typical full-lecture webinar; in addition to inputs, parents from Kindergarten to Grade 12 levels will get to interact with each other via Zoom to share and discuss best practices and come up with solutions on how to better handle home situations given the current set-up and status. Please refer to the registration link that was already sent via text message, Schoology, and email. We look forward to your attendance and participation. Pax et Bonum!